Sponsor Pork Chop – Pork Chop is a loving, affectionate cat who would love a family to call his own. Pork Chop is FIV positive and while this will not effect his ability to live a long, happy life, the disease is transmittable to other cats (though only through bites). The disease also affects his immune system, which could require that he have to go to the vet if he gets a cold or other respiratory issues. Due to him being FIV positive, it is recommended that Pork Chop be the only cat in the family. Pork Chop would be a great addition to any family. He loves to be held, petted and just loved. Since he is FIV positive, he has to remain in an enclosure and is unable to take advantage of our free roaming cat houses. Please consider giving this big boy a home to call his own.